The Free Motion Quilting Journey


Free Motion Quilting is a creative way to put your own personal stamp on your quilt project and you can do it on your own domestic sewing machine.

The free motion quilting journey starts when you decide you want to break free of “the ditch” and do something more creative when it comes to quilting your project. I know that free motion quilting can be a little scary at first. It can seem intimidating and overwhelming when you first start but free motion quilting is a technique that really allows you to explore your creativity. While it might be scary at first, it quickly becomes exciting as you do more projects. With each project, you’ll become better at free motion quilting and you’ll even start to develop your own motifs! At this beginning stage it’s easy to think that it’s all about getting even stitches and learning motifs… but it can be - and is - so much more!

I like to think of learning free motion quilting as having four phases: Stuck, Starting, Confident, and Creative. Let’s look at each phase and some suggestions on what you can do to move through the phases.

Get UnStuck

Quilters who are in the Stuck phase may lack knowledge on how to do the technique, can be scared or apprehensive, may have tried it before and failed, or just don’t know where to start. If this is you then I have some great resources that you can use to take your first steps on the free motion journey. I really want to get you to get started on your own free motion quilting journey so the resources in this phase are all free!

What I learned in my own free motion quilting journey is that it is a technique worth learning and that everyone can master it if they learn the right way. I want you to change that thought of “I’m afraid to try free motion quilting” into “I’m excited to learn free motion quilting”. Changing your approach and thoughts about free motion quilting will result in early successes and will build your confidence in your abilities. The more confident you get, the more creative (and daring!) you can be with your projects. Click on the button to download my “Get Out of the Ditch” pdf.


The right tools and the proper sewing machine set-up can make all the difference when free motion quilting your projects. Free motion quilting is different than normal sewing and if your sewing machine is not set up properly then your experience will be frustrating and ultimately unsuccessful.

 In this free course you will learn how to set up your domestic sewing machine for free motion quilting and the basic tools that will make quilting much easier. Click on the button to get more information about the free “Free Motion Quilting Setup” course.

Get Started

Quilters in the Starting phase are ready and excited to learn but need information on the basics of free motion quilting. They may need a little motivation to “dip their toes” into learning the technique.

You’ll start at the basics and learn everything you need to finish your first free motion quilting project. You'll learn several free motion quilting motifs, and how to make - and quilt - your first small project. I believe in "learning by doing" and starting with a small project to avoid overwhelm. There's no better way to dip your feet into free motion quilting than to learn a motif and use it on your first project. Click on the button for more information on learning the basics in the “Get Started With Free Motion Quilting” course.

Get Confident

Quilters in the Confident phase have learned the basics of free motion quilting but need practice to become comfortable with the technique.

Take your basic free motion skills to the next level in the “Build Confidence in Free Motion Quilting” course by learning more motifs and then applying them to a larger project. We’ll be doing some practicing with a larger project later in the course that will combine the knowledge and various motifs that you have already learned. By the time you’ve finished this training, you’ll be comfortable with the technique and have the knowledge to quilt your own projects. Click on the button to get more information about the “Build Confidence in Free Motion Quilting” course.


I want to help you improve your free motion quilting so you can gain the confidence to use it in your projects. I cover three ways to do this in this free downloadable guide.

  • Set Up Your Machine

  • Build Your Confidence with Quick Wins

  • Practice the Right Things

If you apply these three ways to improve your free motion quilting, you will not only improve your technique but also your confidence. The combination of technical competence and personal confidence will be what helps you achieve awesome results and really enjoy the complete quilting process. Click on the button to get my free pdf “3 Ways to Improve Your Free Motion Quilting” for more details.

Get Creative

Quilters in the Creative phase are comfortable and confident with the free motion quilting technique and ready to apply what they know to their own projects in creative ways. They are also ready to develop their personal “stable” of motifs, apply their skills to other projects, and branch out with their own projects/designs.

Exercise your free motion and walking foot quilting skills as you complete The Mandala Project. All step-by-step video instructions from the start to the finish are included making this project suitable for anyone with basic quilting skills. Click on the button to get more information about the “The Mandala Project” course and to start making your own quilted masterpiece.


Join The Quilter’s Way online membership where you can increase your quilting knowledge by learning by doing. In The Quilter’s Way, you’ll have the opportunity to learn new quilting techniques with each project you make, which always include helpful tips to make every technique simple. The Quilter’s Way is the best place to continue the development of your quilting skills (including free motion quilting), explore your creativity in a safe and fun environment, and make new quilting friends no matter where you are in the world. No quilt police, no pressure to “keep up” but always lots of laughs and learning. Click on the button to get more information about The Quilter’s Way.